What Is Semiconductor | 4 Major Reasons Behind The Shortage of Semiconductor In India


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what is semiconductor 4major reason behind the shortage in India

Today’s world is growing rapidly with the adoption of different technologies in day to day life from using smart phone and IoTs, then how we would be lag to use electric vehicle in place of traditional vehicle, but there are some obstacles for the adoption of EV including the lack of semiconductor chips which is an important part of the EV. Before going to further discussion about what is semiconductor and major reasons behind the shortage of semiconductor, we need to understand the basics of semiconductor.

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What Is Semiconductor?

“Semiconductor is a material having property of conductors and insulators. Semiconductor, that can conduct electricity under certain conditions, but not under others. This is a crucial component in the field of renewable technology, particularly in the development of solar cells and manufacturing of Electric Vehicles.”

Semiconductor is classified as a p-type and n-type semiconductor:

Semiconductors of group IV from periodic table, have 4 electrons in the outermost shell and forms a covalent bond with neighbouring atom. There are no free electrons to move and current cannot flow. Thus, impurities can be added from group III or group V elements to the pure semiconductors so that they will create free electrons or holes to carry current. The process of adding impurities to the pure semiconductor called doping.

P-type semiconductor:

Trivalent impurities, called dopant from group III elements added to the pure semiconductor from group IV, silicon or germanium called p-type semiconductors. P-type semiconductors have charge carriers of positively charged electron holes.

N-type semiconductor:

Pentavalent impurities, from group V elements added to the pure semiconductor from group IV, silicon or germanium called n-type semiconductors. N-type semiconductors have charge carriers of negatively charged electrons.

types of semiconductor

Doping of other elements to the silicon or germanium changes its non-conducting state to conducting state therefore this extrinsic element called semiconductor.

Role of Semiconductors in EV technology:

Semiconductor chip, also known as an integrated circuit (IC) or a microchip, is a small electronic device made of semiconductor materials that can perform a wide range of functions. It consists of many interconnected transistors, resistors, and capacitors that are etched onto a thin slice of semiconductor material, typically silicon. In the EV field semiconductor chips that play a critical role in the performance, efficiency, and safety of electric vehicles (EVs). These chips are used in various systems in electric vehicle, including power electronics, electric motor control, battery management, and safety systems.

Power Electronics and Motor Control:

To control the flow of current between the battery, motor, and other components. It helps to manage the energy use in an electric vehicle to maximize range and efficiency. In electric motor control, semiconductor chips are used to regulate the flow of current at specific range to the motor, allowing for precise control of the motor’s speed and torque, which improves performance and efficiency.

Battery Management Systems:

Semiconductor chips are also playing an important role in battery management systems to monitor the state of charge and health of the battery, which is essential for ensuring the safety and longevity of the battery.

Safety Systems:

In safety systems, semiconductors are used in sensors and control units that process and analyze data from the environment and the vehicle itself, such as in collision avoidance, lane departure warning, and automatic emergency braking systems. Overall, semiconductor chips are essential components in many critical systems in EVs, and without them, EVs would not be able to deliver the level of performance, efficiency, and safety that it currently does. As the EV industry continues to evolve and grow, semiconductor chips will play an increasingly important role in driving innovation and enabling new technologies in this field.
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4 Major Reasons behind the Shortage of Semiconductor In India:

The major challenge for the EV manufacturing, is a shortage of semiconductor chips, which is impacting several industries, including automotive, consumer electronics, and telecommunications. There are 4 major reasons for this shortage.

4 Major Reasons behind the Shortage of Semiconductor In India

Dependence on imports:

India is heavily dependent on imports of semiconductor chips, with almost 90% of its requirements being imported. The shortage of chips globally has therefore affected the supply to Indian industries as well.

Disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic:

The pandemic has caused disruptions in the supply chains of many industries, including the semiconductor industry, which has impacted the availability of chips in India. The closure of factories, travel restrictions, and logistics challenges have all contributed to delays and disruptions in the production and distribution of semiconductor chips.

Production challenges:

India has also faced challenges in the production of semiconductor chips. The country lacks advanced semiconductor manufacturing facilities, which limits its ability to produce advanced chips.

Lack of investment:

India has historically underinvested in the semiconductor industry, with limited research and development in this field. This has led to a lack of domestic expertise and limited local production capacity, further exacerbating the shortage.

Impact of Shortage of Semiconductor:

The shortage of semiconductor chips is having a significant impact on EV manufacturing. Semiconductor chips are essential components in many critical systems in electric vehicles (EVs), including power electronics, motor control, battery management, and safety systems. As a result, the shortage is causing delays and production shutdowns in the EV industry, which is already facing challenges related to supply chain disruptions and the transition to new technologies.

The shortage has particularly affected the production of EV batteries, which rely heavily on semiconductor chips for battery management systems. Some automakers have been forced to reduce their production targets for EVs, and others have had to pause production lines or temporarily shut down factories due to the shortage.

The shortage has also led to increased prices for some EV models, which could potentially limit consumer demand and slow the adoption of EVs. Furthermore, the shortage has highlighted the need for greater investment in semiconductor manufacturing capacity and diversification of supply chains to prevent future disruptions.
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Semiconductor is a crucial component in the manufacturing of electric vehicle. The shortage of semiconductor chips is a major challenge for the EV industry, and it may take some time before the industry is able to fully recover from the impact of the shortage. Efforts are being made to address the shortage of semiconductor chips in India, including increasing investment in semiconductor manufacturing facilities and encouraging domestic production through government incentives. However, it may take some time before India is able to fully address the shortage and develop a robust semiconductor industry.


What is a semiconductor?
A semiconductor is nothing but a material which acts as a conducting material at specific condition and acts as an insulator in other condition.

What is mean by intrinsic semiconductor?
Pure semiconductors without adding an impurity are called intrinsic semiconductors.

What is extrinsic semiconductor?
Extrinsic semiconductors are the semiconductors with which impurities are added.

Define hole.
The absence of electron in the atomic shell is called a hole.

What is doping?
The process of adding impurities to the pure semiconductors called doping.

What are the two types of charge carriers in semiconductors?
Free electron and holes are charge carriers in semiconductors.

What are the two types of impurities added to the semiconductor?
Trivalent and pentavalent impurities.

What are the examples of trivalent impurity atoms?
Boron, gallium, and aluminium.

What are the examples of pentavalent impurity atoms?
Phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony.

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